Happy’s frictionless engagement model
is delivering groundbreaking results across a range of populations.

Happy has higher adoption rates than any mental health service in the country


Overall adoption rate


Adoption rate among nurses


Adoption rate among women


Adoption rate veterans


Adoption rate among African-Americans

Americans Living in Poverty

Over 37 million Americans live below the poverty line. We should be ashamed of that statistic. Happy is partnering with the largest Medicaid plan in the country to provide critical mental health support to thousands of people struggling to access the necessities of life.

When money, food, safety and hope are scarce, it helps to have someone in your corner, 24/7.

Learn More about Happy’s Work Supporting the Largest Medicaid Plan in the Country

Active Duty Military

Putting your life on the line to defend your country places an enormous burden on your mental health. Happy’s COO stared death in the face a thousand times as a Special Forces Green Beret Commander. Imagine having to cope with that stress knowing that seeking out basic mental health support would immediately jeopardize your job security.

Happy offers a risk-free and highly effective alternative.

Learn More about Happy’s Work Supporting Air Force Service Members

Nurses, Doctors and Other Front Line Workers

Long before Covid and long after Covid, healthcare professionals have some of the most exhausting and stressful jobs on the planet. Preserving the physical and emotional health of an anxious, oftentimes hopeless citizenry is physically and emotionally injurious. Traditional and digital mental health services cannot afford to fail our frontline workers, but they are.

Happy has achieved some of its greatest successes offering frictionless support to doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who need help but don’t have the energy to fight for it.

Learn More about Happy’s Work Supporting Nurses and other Front Line Workers


War is one of the most traumatic experiences a human being can endure. Hundreds of thousands of veterans return home with lasting trauma and no primary support systems (family and friends).

Happy is proud to provide a listening ear, compassion, and encouragement to the brave individuals who have served, and sacrificed much of their lives for, the freedoms we often take for granted in this country.

Learn More about Happy’s Work Supporting Veterans

Chronic disease

Life can be unbearable even when we are in perfect health. Over 130 million Americans – nearly half the population – suffer from at least one chronic illness. The combination of everyday struggles and chronic disease is a recipe for isolation, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Emotional support is one of the most powerful antidotes to each of these struggles.